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Muse "Absolution (XX Anniversary)" 3LP +  2CD BOX
Muse "Absolution (XX Anniversary)" 3LP + 2CD BOX
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Muse "Absolution (XX Anniversary)" 3LP + 2CD BOX

Počet hodnotení: 0
143,00 EUR
Warner Music Group

Absolution (XX Anniversary)
KDO: Jedna z největších rockových kapel současné Anglie dosud celosvětově prodala přes 17 milionů desek. Zatím nejúspěšnější album vyšlo v roce 2012. Deska 2nd Law vystoupala na vrchol prodejních hitparád v 21 zemích světa, v Americe byla druhá, v Čechách byla nejvýše pátá.
CO: Dvacáté výročí vydání alba Absolution si Muse připomínají jeho rozšířenou reedicí. Původní nahrávka je zremasterována a doplněna o dříve nevydané koncertní a demo nahrávky. V boxu zájemce najde i řadu dalších memorabilií.
1. Intro [0:22]
2. Apocalypse Please [04:12]
3. Time is Running Out [03:56]
4. Sing for Absolution [04:55]
5. Stockholm Syndrome [04:56]
6. Falling Away with You [04:39]
7. Interlude [0:38]
8. Hysteria [03:47]
1. Blackout [04:22]
2. Butterflies & Hurricanes [05:02]
3. The Small Print [03:28]
4. Fury [05:00]
5. Endlessly [03:48]
6. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist [03:08]
7. Ruled by Secrecy [04:52]
1. Intro [0:22]
2. Apocalypse Please [04:12]
3. Time is Running Out [03:56]
4. Sing for Absolution [04:55]
5. Stockholm Syndrome [04:56]
6. Falling Away with You [04:39]
7. Interlude [0:38]
8. Hysteria [03:47]
9. Blackout [04:22]
10. Butterflies & Hurricanes [05:02]
11. The Small Print [03:28]
12. Fury [05:00]
13. Endlessly [03:48]
14. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist [03:08]
15. Ruled by Secrecy [04:52]
1. Apocalypse Please (Vocals and Keyboard only) [04:09]
2. Time is Running Out (Recorded Live at The Wiltern Theater 2004) [04:16]
3. Sing For Absolution (Recorded Live at The Antic Arena, Vienne 2004) [04:51]
4. Falling Away With You (Demo 2002) [02:31]
5. Hysteria (Demo 2002) [03:42]
6. Hysteria (Recorded Live at Earl’s Court 2004) [04:07]
7. Blackout (Recorded Live at the Antic Arena, Vienne 2004) [04:44]
8. Butterflies & Hurricanes (Vocal, Keyboard and Strings Only) [05:02]
9. Endlessly (Recorded Live at the Columbiahalle, Berlin 2003) [04:02]
10. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist (Recorded Live at the Wiltern Theater 2004) [03:25]
11. Ruled By Secrecy (Vocals and Keyboard only) [04:49]
1. Apocalypse Please (Vocals and Keyboard only) [04:09]
2. Time is Running Out (Recorded Live at The Wiltern Theater 2004) [04:16]
3. Sing For Absolution (Recorded Live at The Antic Arena, Vienne 2004) [04:51]
4. Falling Away With You (Demo 2002) [02:31]
5. Hysteria (Demo 2002) [03:42]
6. Hysteria (Recorded Live at Earl’s Court 2004) [04:07]
7. Blackout (Recorded Live at the Antic Arena, Vienne 2004) [04:44]
8. Butterflies & Hurricanes (Vocal, Keyboard and Strings Only) [05:02]
9. Endlessly (Recorded Live at the Columbiahalle, Berlin 2003) [04:02]
10. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist (Recorded Live at the Wiltern Theater 2004) [03:25]
11. Ruled By Secrecy (Vocals and Keyboard only) [04:49]

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